20 Nov Benefits of Artificial Lawn for Summer Allergies
No one enjoys spending the warm summer months with a stuffy nose, itchy eyes and contending with non-stop sneezing. Unfortunately, this is the reality for nearly 20 million South Africans who suffer from hay fever each year.
There seems to be no respite for hay fever sufferers either, as local scientists indicate that South Africa’s pollen count is on the rise, with cities such as Cape Town bearing the brunt of this increase.
While hay fever is a common allergic reaction triggered by a range of things, the most common is an increase in pollen, notably, grass pollen. Nearly 95% of people who experience hay fever are actually allergic to grass particles found in the air throughout spring and early summer.
Typical recommendations such as taking medication and staying indoors are not always realistic options, especially when you want to spend your days soaking up the sun. Thankfully, reducing contact with these allergens is possible.
Real Grass vs Artificial Grass
A big question many hay fever sufferers have is how artificial grass compares to “real” grass when it comes to producing pollen. Artificial grass fibres are made from hypoallergenic materials, providing a safe surface for children and pets while also reducing hay fever symptoms. While there is zero chance of your synthetic lawn producing grass pollen, you may find that other plants and trees in your garden are producing this allergen.
Thankfully, there is less chance of grass pollen being produced directly in your garden, providing you with a better chance to enjoy your outdoor space, minus sneezing and itchy eyes. A great way to reduce the amount of allergens found in and outside your home is to replace the natural grass around the entry points of your home with synthetic turf.
Here are just a few additional benefits of having artificial grass installed during hay fever season:
It’s a Breeze to Clean
A major drawcard for installing artificial grass has always been its low-maintenance benefits, but for allergy sufferers, this is especially beneficial as it’s easy to clean. This helps reduce allergy symptoms as dust and pollen that settle on your lawn can be washed away with a hose. It also helps you maintain a cleaner and allergen-free outdoor space, keeping pollen levels low and reducing the risk of exposure for allergy sufferers.
No Mowing Required
It’s only natural to spend the winter months nestled indoors, letting your grass grow long. Unfortunately, this does more harm than good as it increases the amount of pollen released. This is exasperated when temperatures start to rise and it’s time to give your lawn a trim, as cutting only triggers grass allergies. Not only does installing artificial grass allow you to kick up your feet and scratch one more thing off your to-do list during the summer months, but it also eliminates the need for mowing, reducing the risk of allergen exposure during lawn maintenance activities.
Say Goodbye to Pesticides and Herbicides
Maintaining a natural lawn often means utilising harmful chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides to ensure a lush and beautiful garden. These chemicals not only have a harmful effect on the environment, but they can trigger allergies and cause skin irritations. Artificial grass requires none of these toxic products to maintain its lush appearance, which ensures you’re reducing any negative effects on the environment and your allergy symptoms.
A Chance to Enjoy the Outdoors Year-Round
While peak allergy season is around August to December, many hay fever sufferers know that symptoms can flare up throughout the year. An incredible benefit of artificial grass is its resilience to seasonal changes as it maintains its allergy-friendly features, whether it’s during the colder months of winter or during the full bloom of spring. Unlike natural grass, which can turn brown and require additional maintenance during summer, synthetic grass remains lush and green year-round, providing you with a visually appealing and allergy-friendly garden.
Easigrass™ to The Rescue
Hay fever symptoms can put a damper on the summertime fun. Thankfully, artificial grass offers a practical solution for spring and summer allergies, providing reduced allergen exposure, low maintenance, and a clean, comfortable outdoor space.
At Easigrass™, we offer an unrivalled selection of natural-look and hypoallergenic grass to suit a variety of applications, no matter the size of your garden. Whether you’re looking to create a low-allergen oasis for your family or simply seeking a more manageable and attractive lawn, our award-winning artificial grass products stand as a clear and beneficial choice, making your summer days more enjoyable and allergy-free.
Transform your garden into an allergy-friendly outdoor space today! Contact your nearest Easigrass™ partner for a free quote!